Stone Hollow Stables

 We have a nice little wish list put together!


Valentine & Heartbreaker
Tregoyd Journeyman

But we also have an unexpected dissapointment. When I called the previous owner of In The Light, they answered and we tried to work out a shipping plan.
Then, a few days later, I called her to tell her a good day for the horse to arrive. She wasn't at home, but her daughter answered the phone.
She said that her mother had traveled (WITH the horse!) to another client's place. She had sold In The Light when we had almost sent the money in!
Mike, Rose, and Jessi were very upset. Maddie and Emily were, too. The horse was valuable, beautiful, and perfect... until that lady bashed us.
And, even after our continues emails, she completely is ignoring us!

Yesterday we got Jessi back in the saddle! Despite her broken leg (that the docter said would cause her to never ride again) she stayed on while Trinity Galore walked.
That's the news...

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